Hey there everybody! Does anybody have any ideas for a story? I'm good with Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Twilight, Heroes of Olympus or something random! Btw anybody out there that is scared of death, this is my advice... Don't be! Nah I'm kidding this is my advice, don't worry to much about the future and don't dwell on the past, the present is a gift, it only comes once in a lifetime. Think of death as a new adventure, or a new phase of your life, even though your dead, but still! Don't worry about it :) Also, I have one request of you guys, take as many photos as you can, you'll only ever regret the ones you don't take (yes I got that from Safe Haven but it's true), I learnt that the hard way. If you're wondering what I mean, I'm thinking of posting a one shot about it, so look out.
Well peace out guys! *fake smile cause I'm sad now :(*