
I'm going to stay as Lizzie/


In a town as small as Mystic Falls, It hasn't taken Rafael long to find a decent bar. When he had entered the Grill it had been rather quite, but as it got later, the small bar seemed to come to life. Granted most of the other customers were teenagers, it was the constant chatter the the dark haired male enjoyed. With a small grin ghosting across his lips, he raised his hand, motioning the bartender over.


            With ease he ignored her dig about being immortal, simply choosing to give her a small nod instead. "You do that, kid," he muttered softly, turning his attention back to the now empty glass in his hand, not bothering to watch as she walked away.


@immortalbadass “well immortal one I'm going to find my sister and family and throw a birthday  party for my mom". She then walked away from him and walked to her house.


            At her words a faint sign fell from his lips. It appeared that the young blonde was going through a rebellious stage. "Look Blondie, you should listen to your parents. They want what's best for you," he replied with a faint shrug, idly bringing his glass to his lips. "Don't apologise, just remember that the next time you approach a stranger."