
I just want to put out my prayers to Paris in these terrible times. I pray for those whom have died so unjustly and for those whom have lost people they love to the hands of these unforgivable crimes. 
          	I want us all to unite and together, let's pray for Paris. 


Hey, I'm just gonna say that I read a lot. But I truly prefer to read the slightly less known books the ones that have been written by the authors who are hidden in the shadows. And if you have one of these books. Or if you've read one of these books. Leave me a message with the title and author of it and I'll read it. Thx.


Hey. I was Just curious, like to my very few followers, do you actually ready any of my books or you just follow me for the heck of it? I mean like for real though. You got a purpose for following me or are you a stalker? Oh and if you do read them, which book do you want me to update? XD


I am trying to think of one. I have a few drafts that I might trial.


@SarcasticSouless lol I just followed u so I'll try being active I really love ur siri book u should make a cover tho!