I'm back bitches!!!
I'm so sorry I've been kinda dorment these last couple months! School and family stress kinda got me down and I've been exhausted more often than not. So I'm not on here as much as I would like and it suuuuuucks, but I'm still on here as much as I possible can!! Now, spring break starts next week and I'm curious: what do you guys want to see?
I wanna know what you guys want me to update, or if you want to see a new fanfic or original story of mine!! You guys can either write a response to this post, or you can message me as well!!
Also, how have all of you guys been? I'm sorry I haven't been checking in with you guys, but I am legitimately curious how your lives are right now.
That's all for now! I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening, and remember that you're all beautiful roses just waiting to bloom!! Ja ne!!