Hey everyone! I would like to announce a contest! I am preparing a new book, and need:
•character names
•ideas for characters
•name of country
I would really appreciate feed back from all of you! ;)
I realize you guys can't really participate without a little background information, so, here it is!
This new book is dystopian. It takes place in the future, the United States has fallen and the new country (which needs a name still) is much different from today. Children start school at age 4 in this country. At age 10, they take a test to determine where their career will branch off. If they get into military, they will train until they are 15. When they turn 15, they will take another test, but this one is more like a mission. The mission includes killing at least one person and if they succeed, the character is officially assigned a squad.
There are all kinds of different weapons that these soldiers can specialize in. These weapons range from fighter jets to sword combat. Guns, knives, bows, x-bows, swords, traps, planes, tanks, cannons...
So here's the competition: I challenge you all to come up with at least one character, however, you can submit as many as you want.
Keep in mind that I already have the 2 main characters. One is a scout, and the other is a double swordsman, so I encourage you to avoid basing your character's special abilities off theirs.
There will be 4 categories:
Best character
Best book title
Best country name
Best character ideas
The winner of each category will get a shout out!
Share the contest with your friends and other followers!