Sebnem E. Sanders is a native of Istanbul, Turkey. Currently she lives on the eastern shores of the Southern Aegean where she dreams and writes Flash Fiction and Flash Poesy, as well as longer works of fiction. At the now closed Harper Collins website, Authonomy, she has workshopped her completed manuscript, The Child of Heaven, her debut book, which reached the Editors Desk in November 2014 and received a favourable review from Harper Collins. She also has two WIPs, The Child of Passion and The Lost Child.

Her flash stories have been published on the Harper Collins Authonomy Blog, The Drabble, Sick Lit Magazine, Twisted Sister Lit Mag and Spelk Fiction. Her collection of short and flash fiction stories, Ripples on the Pond, has been published on Kindle and in Paperback via Amazon in December 2017.

She finds Flash Fiction an inspiring exercise to create something new each week, in style and story, and to write concisely while improving her skills.

She is also active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Scribophile.
  • Marmaris, Turkey
  • EntrouApril 3, 2014

Última mensagem
SebnemSanders SebnemSanders Jan 28, 2018 08:03PM
Just to let you know that Ripples on the Pond, my anthology of flash fiction and short stories is free to download on Amazon today and tomorrow, 28-29 January, 2018.
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Histórias de Sebnem
Ripples on the Pond, de SebnemSanders
Ripples on the Pond
A man infatuated with ivy. A woman pining for lost love. In a Turkish square, ancient buildings lament a deva...
Mummy's Torchlight ©, de SebnemSanders
Mummy's Torchlight ©
Toby waited for Mummy, but she never came back. Uncle Jim and Aunt Doris told him she was in Heaven. Why did...
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