this message may be offensive
so um, Im comin out clean. I have suicidal issues and i sometimes do pot... I know for the people who REALLY know me, they probably think im joking around when ever i talk about how i did it the night before or how i stole my brothers stash. but not... (reminder, im under 20 :/)
and (please dont freak or anything) Now that i am no longer lonely (yes. i have got my self a girlfriend, no its not @fantasic_riley ) i might be writing more "romance" or "horror" or- actually nothing will change ....
and LASTLY. please please please PLEASE dont do any of the stupid shit i used to do. If you have depression, i STRONGLY suggest you try to get some therapy. I mean, it didnt do anything for me but that doesnt mean it wouldnt be different for you. Or if you dont like talking or dont want to get covid, Then look up some Suicide text lines and hotlines. and if you need it, im here too. i know what its like to be alone.
thx and, Goodnight/day