
@Fraz92 : Lol, thanks. I'm going to read more of your stories later on today. They all seem interesting.


Hope you enjoy them! :)


@LadyHarlequin : That would be great actually. Thank you!


Well, I have two critics for you.
             @SomewhatDistracted  comes highly recommended. I follow her and she's the real deal.
             @dreamybanana  actually critiqued my work once. You could see if she's active at the moment. Good critic.
            Ask at your own risk, though. They tell you like it is. See their profiles for more info.


@LadyHarlequin : Okay! I did take that advice and work on it in my new story. Whenever you get a chance, would you mind reading over it to see if I improved? Your critique is greatly appreciated. :)


I'll take a look soon. I'm actually neck-deep in the editing process myself and have yet to master the art of multi-tasking, but I'll get to it. I could even recommend a critic/editor if you like.


@LadyHarlequin : Sorry about that! I didn't see it. And yes, I love your story. It's exactly what I'm working to make my stories like. A lot of people says that my stories are good, but I lack some connections in my sentences. If that makes any sense... Anyway, great writing! xD


Thank you! It was a pleasant surprise! Remember: characterization is very important. ^_^