Hi, I'm Jez Inferno- yeah, awesome name- I know, though, uhh Jez out fully isn't. 
You probably don't get that.
It's better if you don't.
I'm 15- the best year, I think of my life, though... 18 will probably be awesomer, cuz you can drink, drive, buy a house, start a family... LOL!
My favourite colours are pink, black and blue.
Books are my life, and so is music. So essentially, I've got three lives (including my ACTUAL life)hmm... I'm sorta like a cat; with their nine lives.
I live to scare... Actually I don't, though I wish I did...
Anyhoo, I like scaring people and if your looking at this; my bio, you've already triggered a virus on your computer and all your personal files will be mine.
Well... what can I say, I have a knack with computers...
Aah, lemme put you outta your misery, I didn't activate a virus, though I wish I did...
I don't do the whole "follow for follow" thing cuz it's kinda lame, I like people who follow based on merit- soppy, I know- but whatever. I'm not here to impress.
I don't give a damn about my friends, and they don't give a damn about me, I'd love to live on my own and... I love horror films and adrenalin rushes.
Might I add, that I hate it when people stress?
That's it from me...
  • Where you are, I am...
  • انضمDecember 8, 2014


قصة بقلم Jez Inferno
The Fall بقلم ShadowJezInferno
The Fall
Horror films all stem from true stories. And true stories of horror make life seem like Hell. I suppose this...
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