Today I experienced how the world is today. So my English teacher had a Christmas party today. She asked what we where going to do for Christmas break, which is two weeks long. Well, a guy that was in the room yelled out "LOOSE MY VIRGINITY". Of course, I looked at him weirdly, who wouldn't. He looked at me then said "Baylen, shut up it's not like you haven't lost you virginity yet." This is what the world has come to. Kids at the ages of 11-13 are loosing their virginity, and some getting pregnant. THIS IS CRAZY. KIDS SHOULD NOT BE ALOUD TO DO THIS YET. THEY SHOULD BE SAVING THEIR VIRGINITY, THEIR FIRST CHILD, AND THE EXPERIENCE FOR WHEN THEY GET MARRIED. But no, parents are allowing their kids to have sex and get pregnant because they where aloud to do it. This is jacked up. Someone should be doing something about this. Anywho, that was part of my day. PC me what you are doing for Christmas break.

@ Shadow_4312 Hey I totally agree with you. A lot of things are changing and the world is upside down in some aspects