I am a Transformers fan, a My Little Pony fan...I'm a Treki and a Jedi.  I want to one dry drive K.I.T.T., and ride in Airwolf.  I doodle, hope to write and illustrate professionally, and I dabble in fanfictions because it's fun.  

I have two senior doggies, a black and white shihtzu named Oreo (15) and a shihtzuh mix named Bridger (18). He's a dark, smutty blonde and he used to be a lot more blonde. They're both my baby bois!
  • Utah
  • InscritJune 21, 2019

Histoire par Shauntell Holm
Transformers Prime: Legacy of Primus, Act One, Chapter One par ShauntellHolm
Transformers Prime: Legacy of Prim...
Cybertron has a long and deep history. Myth and legend blend into reality, and one of the most iconic heroes...
ranking #9 dans la catégorie 13primes Voir tous les classements