
Lmao there are actually people out there who have personalities like Clark Kent’s and Peter Parker’s 
          	Earth is home to a lot of lovely people


Hello everyone! Chapter 18 of “Donovan King Breaks the Rules” has been published! There’s a little song to be played at a certain moment in the chapter. Hopefully y’all like that little tidbit in the story. :)
          Have a lovely day! <3


What's up my dudes
          Does anyone know how to join a club on WP? I'm up, it's late, and my keyboards screwed up from having my head jammed into it countless times wondering how in the world I can join a dang club on this site.
          I'm just joking, I'm a tad bit sleepy, but I'm really interested in joining a club so if anyone knows how, shoot your shot and let's do this thang. :)
          Also, does anyone want a cast for DKBTR? It would only include Aria and Donovan, but I was hoping to save a cast for the "other principal characters" for another time... *wink *wink *nudge *nudge
          Don't forget to check out chapter 11 as well! Feel free to vote if you truly think it's worth it, and comment down any of your thoughts!