
Hey guys 
          	I have been searching for a while , but i can't find a book to read so can you guys give me some recommendation .
          	Do tell me your favourite 
          	Love you guys❤❤❤


@ShreyaLucas so I can recommend  Il Mio Gattino and CEO'S Girl I rili enjoyed give them a try at least   


@ShreyaLucas hi  I rili rili rili like the stories on your profile ☺


Can someone please tell me about His Purchased Wife???? I'm pretty sure the author changed the name but now neither do I remember the name of author not the novel name!!!!


@httpdotsoul oops it seems like you are really frustrated with the situation. I don't think I have read this book  but I would like you to take a  break and read something else .Maybe you will find something more interesting in one of my reading list .
            Have a good day 


Hey excuse me... do you know a story about a successful book writer but her identity is a secret and then a football or NFL player (I forgot) comes to be her neighbor? Her new neighbors like to party which is not to the she liking.
          they hated each other but became in love. 
          do you know the title.. I want to read it again but I can't find it . please if know tell me


Hey guys 
          I have been searching for a while , but i can't find a book to read so can you guys give me some recommendation .
          Do tell me your favourite 
          Love you guys❤❤❤


@ShreyaLucas so I can recommend  Il Mio Gattino and CEO'S Girl I rili enjoyed give them a try at least   


@ShreyaLucas hi  I rili rili rili like the stories on your profile ☺


Hello, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to ask if you might consider reading my new book, "Bond’s Shadow." After taking a break for a year, I'm back on Wattpad and could really use some motivation. Your support would mean a lot to me. Thank you!


I have no idea how on Earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting ENTWINED into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have an amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡   P.s. Entwined has been published by @wattpadbooks and Penguin UK. Here is link to purchase / p.p.s. the second book ENAMOURED is completed and available on Wattpad ♡ 


Hi there, Shreya for including I'm a Cyborg's Pet to the subline list of things reading . Reading that again it looks a bit weird. but as relatively new authors we get a real boost every time someone comes across our work. 
          We drone deliver you hugs RK+Reb