Why do I write? I don't write popular story to gain plenty of readers nor appreciation from how many votes and comments I might get, though I'd still love to see if there is someone appreciating my works by giving me so, and sometimes even suggest it too.

But, my biggest intention of writing is to pass whatever the things have been spinning around my mind. Something I wanted someone other than myself to see and feel. There is a world I created inside of my head. Trust me, I do think many things than what I can express through words.

Some of my stories are not even considered to be popular and maybe not even close to it. Once again, it doesn't matter as it's not the reason why I'm writing. I write what I want to write, not what people might want to read about. What I need is one person to honestly like my story and that would be more than enough, even when it's just a silent reader.

Seeing from myself who do like many other works silently -the author itself might not even know there is someone out there who is really influenced by their work- Sam Roder, I think I love you, Blessed With A Curse are some of the examples.

I admit that I'm not an excellent writer. I write based on my mood that's why my stories are mostly stuck in the middle of process and it will take long till I find my mood again to continue. Besides, I like to write what is currently on my mind so I often come up with a whole new story and idea. Though the previous story might only have finished few chapters.

For those who truly can see through my story and actually liked it, I wanted to say thanks to all of you. I don't know who you are but you must be out there. I hope you too can feel how it feels like to live inside my world and enjoy it as much as I do =)

Instagram : sierralouiza
  • Indonesia
  • InscritOctober 12, 2011

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