Good eve readers, after so so long, here I present you the most awaited chapter I never got guts to pen down myself. Thanks to my new writer, Juhi. She and I, together are going to complete this story.
Now, Go and Enjoy and don't forget to tell me, how much you liked it. So I can upload more upcoming chapters soon.
I so wanna upload next chapter. But this damn world sucks! I want time, I want to sleep, I want to write!! Sorry guys..will write for you soon! (╥﹏╥)
- Inactive-Exhausted Author.
2021 was full of emotions, anxieties, good memories, some painful and heart wrenching incidents for all of us. Yet we survived it. We made it together. You made me feel home when I wasn't even myself.
I hope you stay healthy and this year brings all the happiness for you. A very Happy New Year fam! ♡
@BookCrafter Hey.. don't mention. I like you writing style and especially how you shaped the story. Got so much to learn. I should thank you instead. ^_^