✨Weekend’s author question: Reading and writing can be defined by the need to dream, to create, to explore what has not been seen yet. Books and stories allow us to travel, escape, and experience new worlds. Think back to the moment your love for books, stories, reading, or writing first sparked—how did it begin? And, most importantly—what is it about reading and/or writing that brings you joy?

@SiljeWrites I decided to write about a week ago after watching the series with all of his lovers over his life time and watching all the interviews of people that knew him , like how it would be to actually be in a room with him. I've been to graceland three times now and actually standing where he once stood was extremely life changing now I am a singer and a guitarist , I am definitely having fun but sometimes I have trouble wording certain things so that the audience will understand. I love my story so far I pretty much have the entire story line and will most likely be in different books like you'res because there is so many details !!

@Elvis_68 You did? How wonderful! I can't believe how much Wattpad and the stories we write on here can inspire. It still amazes me to see. I've never had someone say they started writing a story because of Girl of Mine, and got an idea through reading it. Thank you for sharing this with me. When did you decide on writing your story? How has writing the story been for you so far? Are you having fun? Exploring Elvis' life through writing can truly be special ^_^

@SiljeWrites I got the idea for the symphony of a story from girl of mine I live for girl of mine !!