
Hello all! On my more recent shorts book I just posted a piece that I quite enjoy. It’s a bit longer and if anyone’s interested I would be super excited if you could give it a read! It’s titled “Draconis.” With that aside, good day/goodnight people :D


Hello all! On my more recent shorts book I just posted a piece that I quite enjoy. It’s a bit longer and if anyone’s interested I would be super excited if you could give it a read! It’s titled “Draconis.” With that aside, good day/goodnight people :D


When you get 10 bucks from your AP Biology teacher for answering a question correctly 


@Silverwarrior712 sghjkdfhjddhj luckyyy xD


For anyone who was curious, a while back we talked about cellular respiration/energy production. A part of this process is called the Krebs Cycle, and a 4-carbon compound called oxaloacetic acid bonds with a product of a broken down glucose known as acetyl coenzyme A to make something called citric acid. In a nutshell, this 4 carbon compound is used in some cases of photosynthesis and he was like, “oh hey if you remember the name of this substance I’ll give you ten bucks” and ya girl remembered and he kept his word lmao 


After taking the PSAT I can confidently say that I had no idea what was happening during the calculator math section lol but it was way easier than the Pre ACT


@Silverwarrior712 I know I’m late but me too! I can’t do maths on a normal day but doing it while under pressure really doesn’t work well for me. 


One of my friends and I have started this thing where we send Peppa Pig edits to each other on school nights and it’s honestly one of the best tings ever ngl 


As you can tell I have a mental age of half a year but we can ignore that lol 


Do y’all ever just change your very correct answers to wrong ones on a test and then feel physical pain about it later 
          I wOulDvE gOtTen 100 iF i hAdnT chAngEd mY aNswErs bUt nOw i gOt aN aWfuL gRaDe KFkfkajjJakakfkamdk


@Silverwarrior712 yes that is also true but after some contemplating I concluded that I will try to ficus and answer as accurately as I can the first time to avoid going through my answers again and change them for worse in my extra time but you have a very fair point though


@saharmoqadam the issue is that sometimes I go back through and find errors in my answers which helps me get a better grade, but there are always those times where I go through and mess things up really bad lol 


@Silverwarrior712 yes that is why I decided not to go through my answers again