
So, I don't actually know if people read the "Hey, read my book!" notifications, but I did just start writing a new book. I'm aware that I do that often and they never get finished so you have every right to flip me the bird and go on with your life, but I think this one might actually do well. I've prewritten it all this time, so it will actually be finished. So, yeah, it's called 'I see dead people: A real life blog' and it's a lot different then a lot of other stuff that I've written so far. Thanks if you listened!


So, I don't actually know if people read the "Hey, read my book!" notifications, but I did just start writing a new book. I'm aware that I do that often and they never get finished so you have every right to flip me the bird and go on with your life, but I think this one might actually do well. I've prewritten it all this time, so it will actually be finished. So, yeah, it's called 'I see dead people: A real life blog' and it's a lot different then a lot of other stuff that I've written so far. Thanks if you listened!


Eep! Yeah, today was my birthday. Definitely a sweet 16. It was very me. Most of my birthdays are about everyone else using my day as an excuse to party, but this year was very... well, me! I'm happy to say today was very satisfying,  and I know that the effect of it will still go on for a while. Like, my big gift from my pop is that I get to go to ECCC and Sakura Con on spring break, with an awesome week in Seattle in between. Yep, I'm happy. Yay!


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
ugh, do you ever just like write something random thinking it's the coolest idea you've ever had, then suddenly you get bored, stop, then never look at it again until your library of book you write is just filled with one paged non-sense? Grrr! its so hard to keep track of! I have to go through my shit, once again, and clean out what I don't need. this is why I madw random cravings. So I could at least fill that up with crap. of course, I forget about it and fill my library up anyways. Rar, I need to learn to organize ~_~


I have a question. What scares you most? What is it the makes the hairs of your neck stand straight up? When your are alone left to your thoughts, what drifts into your mind making you fear the reality that you exist in? What scares you most?


Evil, I suppose. Especially when it doesn't fit into some sort of logical social context.