( for @Fandom-Family )
I am so sorry for being inactive as Damon and in general. I’ve been receiving a lot of pressure from different people here on Watty and at home and things have been quite stressful for me lately. I haven’t had any time for myself and do the things I want, always pouring my 100% into other people and yes, that’s exactly the type of person I want to be... but guys, it’s really screwing me up. I’m up at 7am and I don’t fall asleep usually until 12am. Sure, doesn’t sound bad. But I do hard, physical labor that takes a lot outta you. I work from sun up to sundown, only pausing for meals. I’m not complaining because I love my work... this is just an apology to those I owe replies to. Like always, y’all have all my love -Linds