
@bex_the_box Hahah


Me:  Hi! *waves* Thanks for 
          Louis: being fabuLOUIS and fanning.
          Harry: Boobear, it's extraordinHARRY!
          Liam: No it's BrilLIAM
          Niall: NO it's PhenomiNIALL
          Zayn: Lads, we all noe it's AmaZAYN!
          Me: Anyways, feel free to pm or chat to me
          Louis: Or me
          Liam: or me
          Zayn: or me
          Niall: or me
          Harry: or me!
          Me: Whenever!
          Niall: I'm hungry!!!!!!!!!!! Can we go to Nandos?
          Me: maybe later. Just let me talk first!!!
          Zayn: LOUIS!!!! GIVE ME BACK MY MIRROR!!!
          Me: Louis!! Just give Zayn back his mirror...AND HARRY PUT SOME MORE CLOTHES ON!!!!
          Harry: But...
          Me:No Buts! Anyways, thanks for fanning :D x