Mmmkay :/ I know I said I would upload last week but, guess what!! My computer crashed and is no longer usable D: (I'm using my phone to write this update). My sister talked to her friend (he builds computers for a living) and said that he would make me the ULTIMATE computer though so I will upload my stories soon, maybe not as soon as you may like, but soon. I'm supposed to meet up with him sometime after my sister gets back from her trip to visit our grandparents and she leaves on Thursday and is gone for a week i think so... we'll probably meet up sometime shortly after and hopefully he's a fast worker and I'll get my computer :D Ohhh and does anyone know how to get an iPod touch to leave the apple logo screen? It's been frozen on it since last night and its been bugging me cause I can't live without music!! :( If it makes a difference, it's jailbroken and has been for a year and a half - ish and has never done this before. Thanks for your patience and if you have any idea how to fix my ipod please let me know :)