
Sorry I forgot to mention I didn't make the entry deadline so could you lovely followers please give me feedback and support. This book was meant to be out on October 9th, however issues at home messed that up. Thank you everyone for following and have a great day or night where ever you are!  ~SkulliTora 


Sorry I forgot to mention I didn't make the entry deadline so could you lovely followers please give me feedback and support. This book was meant to be out on October 9th, however issues at home messed that up. Thank you everyone for following and have a great day or night where ever you are!  ~SkulliTora 


I will be postponing my 'enchanted series' due to complications at home. However I will be slowly posting a new book called "The Werewolf's Undead" and also other chapters of books if I have time. Truly sorry, hopefully I finish some good chapters this Christmas.


I will not be continuing Garra's hardcore lemons book apologies. However it will stay up and I will do edits once all my other series are up. 
          But plz keep continuing to follow and give feedback because I will finish Garra's confession and I will edit it after. 
          Thank you for you understanding, also to those I promised a hardcore chapter to those will be my last chapters before I hang up my lemons coat. However if you do want something similar of coarse not fan fiction my 'Enchanted series' will be out this coming December with book 1 'The fairies kiss' that will have some 18+ scenes and steamy romance. 
          Xx God bless you all


Hey there "Kim." Thanx for voting on the Prologue of "Crissa's Mate." Being from Canada this book might take on a more special meaning to you. Plus, you might relate to Crissa pretty well as she seems about your age. Feel free to message me anytime about just about anything. I'm a good listener and give stellar advice--concerning Life, Love, (sexx), Art, and oh yeah . . . the amazing craft of storytelling!
          All best over the holidays, "Kim". Hope you find others of my books intriguing in the future.


I love your books! And I hope you enjoy your holidays too Califia! 


Hey snow~~Thanx for choosing to follow me. Feel free to message me anytime. I'm pretty discrete with followers on matters of Life, Love, Sexx, Art and oh, did I mention the amazing craft of storytelling?.
          Enjoy my tales.


Could I probably get you to read my new story first and correct any spelling errors for me and tell me, when I publish some of my new story "The Werewolf's Undead" it's just a request you don't have to. ~ SkulliTora aka Kim