I need people's opinion, it's very important (to me, at least) Ok, so my friend and I are going to set up a craft booth at a fair. We crochet, and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to answer this one question: If you were (hypothetically) walking around a craft fair, looking for something crocheted, what would it be, and how much would you pay for it? I've made purses, amigurumi, coasters, pincushions, and more before. Keep in mind that some things take 2+ hours to make, and it's all handmade. (If you have no clue what crocheting is, it's similar to knitting, but no machine can replicate crochet the way they can can knitting.) Thank you for your input! Have a nice day
@SlightlyCrazyISFJ if i were to choose anything, I'd maybe pick an amigurimi or coaster. I would probably pay 10-35 dollars but that depends on how difficult the thing was to make and the value. Have a great day too!