Three years ago, I plotted to kill this account by exposing all its unfinished stories at once. It didn't take long for me to regret that decision and abandon literature writing as a whole. However, I'm republishing now this old Epic Poem I submitted for a contest that went completely unnoticed at the time. The fact I stalled it for three weeks and sprinted through it in just one, it kinda makes me a little bit proud...
So do enjoy this bite-sized rushed piece of eulogy inspired by a closely followed real-life happening. I'm hoping this could serve as an incentive to come back to poetry, but feel free to hate me for it -- I know it's well worth the hate.
But anyway, if you do find value in it feel free to vote. I'm sure I won't break the algorithm with it, but at least you maybe you'll read more from me soon, who knows really?