Slug Club Inactive for the time being

Founded by Horace Slughorn
(Currently in need of someone to be him!)


Tom Riddle:


Barnabas Cuffe:
Lily Evans: @LilyEvans-
Regulus Black: @-RegulusBlack
Alecto Carrow:
Severus Snape:
Lucious Malfoy:
Willow Potter: @WillowOpheliaPotter

Members (1996)

Harry Potter: @-harrypotter
Melinda Bobbin:
Flora Carrow:
Hestia Carrow:
Hermione Granger: @hermione--granger
Ginny Weasley: @Ginny--Weasley
Cormac Mclaggen:
Blaise Zabini:
Lillith Weasley: @Hermione_Weasley__
  • Hogwarts School of WitchCraft and Wizardry
  • S-a alăturatJanuary 21, 2016

Ultimul mesaj
SlugClub SlugClub Oct 16, 2016 02:59AM
New year, new you! Let's start this new year with new members and old
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