
Hello, fellow SlytherClaws - 
          	In an attempt to reinforce the accepting and inclusive environment that the society stands behind, over much discussion we have decided to @hybrid-houses, so that the union of all those who feel as if they do not fit in one single house can be recognized as well. It has come to our attention that acknowledging all hybrid houses as a whole seems more true to our goals than to remain endorsed behind only one hybrid house.
          	It is our recommendation and encouragement, because this account will remain inactive, that all members of this society move along with us to @hybrid-houses to enlarge our community and spread our cause over the entire nation of hybrid housers. This account will be suspended and all events and occurrences will now be administered on @hybrid-houses. Although we will leave this account up to inform others of our transition, no forthcoming events will be thus far happening on this page.
          	We thank you for being so supportive of our cause and encourage you to celebrate your diversity with others at @hybrid-houses. 
          	Apparate on over to @hybrid-houses! We have a rich and colorful community awaiting you!
          	With kindest regards,
          	The SlytherClaw Society Administers


Hello, fellow SlytherClaws - 
          In an attempt to reinforce the accepting and inclusive environment that the society stands behind, over much discussion we have decided to @hybrid-houses, so that the union of all those who feel as if they do not fit in one single house can be recognized as well. It has come to our attention that acknowledging all hybrid houses as a whole seems more true to our goals than to remain endorsed behind only one hybrid house.
          It is our recommendation and encouragement, because this account will remain inactive, that all members of this society move along with us to @hybrid-houses to enlarge our community and spread our cause over the entire nation of hybrid housers. This account will be suspended and all events and occurrences will now be administered on @hybrid-houses. Although we will leave this account up to inform others of our transition, no forthcoming events will be thus far happening on this page.
          We thank you for being so supportive of our cause and encourage you to celebrate your diversity with others at @hybrid-houses. 
          Apparate on over to @hybrid-houses! We have a rich and colorful community awaiting you!
          With kindest regards,
          The SlytherClaw Society Administers




@HarmonyPotter26 hello! unfortunately we're not accepting any admins as of right now, but please do keep a look out as we've got something planned for this account!!


hello, our fellow slytherclaws! if any of you are still willing to apply as an admin to our society, don't hesitate to send in your application forms as soon as you can! the deadline date is near, so be sure to submit your entries before it's too late! have a lovely day, everyone! x


hello, my lovelies! thank you so much for 100 followers, it's great to see how quickly this society is getting noticed! however, here's a quick question for everyone out there: would you rather have us keep this account as a slytherclaw society or transform it into a hybrid house appreciation account? we can't exactly create dozens upon dozens of accounts dedicated the various hybrid houses - and we've been receiving many messages from, let's say, slytherpuffs and slytherdors whom wish they could be part of this - so what do you guys think? keep this account as it is or add more diversity? have a great day, everyone! x


@SlytherClawSociety sure, go and transform the acc ^^ !! It'll be a great idea:)