
And with that chapter 5 has been posted. I hope that you all enjoy!!!


Ok y'all, so I posted chapter 3 last night and I am working on chapter 4. I honestly don't know how many chapters that I am going to do for this story and to correct the title from my last post. The title is Forbidden Connection and not Forbidden Love. That was a mistake on my part. But anyway, I hope that you guys enjoy the story.


Y'all, I am terrible at updating my page and my latest story Forbidden Love. I have been at college and haven't had any time to post. I am going to re-read chapters 1 and 2 so I can make sure that I follow the storyline for chapter 3. Please be patient with me. I will let y'all know when chapter 3 is posted. Again I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING ANYTHING!!! Please be patient with me.


What should I write about next?


@NixeDay Right now I am working on an ending for my first and only story, but idk what to do next, so if you have any suggestions at any times, that would be helpful.


@Slytherdor2004 i don't know.. (´A`。