The hardcore taekook shippers in my comments honestly confuse me . What fics are yall reading where the happily ever after is in the first 30 chapters. House call is a saucy slow burn fic with hella drama so if yall stop reading it cause it's not "pure taekook" then I suggest yall read other fics with no conflict because gurl of course things are gonna go sideways from time to time.
All my hard work finally paid off. I've been saving all year long and I finally got the laptop I've been wanting. It was expensive as hell but I finally got it. Now I can write much easier and faster so I'll definitely be updating this week.
You guy's honestly have know idea how much I appreciate your nice comments under my fics. It makes me want to write even more. It's such a nice feeling knowing you guys actually really like my book.
Just a little message to my readers. I am going on a a hiatus for all my fan fictions. I will be writing as much as I can but I will not post them. The hiatus could even be a year long yall. I am very sorry to leave you guys on cliffhangers but I am very busy irl. My job and studies are taking up most of my time and I barely have time to relax. But I have already written a few chapters from my fics but I decided to not post them. I hope you guys can understand. This is not goodbye it's a see you later.
@Smol_hard_stan_ also I have been editing my fics because of spelling and grammar issues. Also I have noticed my fan fictions are lacking in the consent department and it made me cringe so some chapters may be slightly different.