Hi there, is there anything specific you'd like to have happen in my story, The Siphoning Princess???
I am opening the floor for any ideas, just letting you know :)
The Siphoning Princess - for the possibility of waking Renae ( Jaide ) up from the curse fully I am asking if you can think of how that should happen. Like what specific object or phrase makes her get her memories back???
@Snowfrost05281999 these are all great suggestions! If you think of anything that isn’t related to her getting her memories back I’m always open for suggestions
What if she grabs Emma's blankets smells it and she wakes up or she notices the scar on David's chin or he says I'll find you when after there date ended you know that famous phrase wherever you are wherever you go I will always find you
What's the name of the book that is Captain America love story where his true love the girl he needs is Howard Stark's sister and at the end of the First Avenger she and Steve go underneath the water and get Frozen and at the end of the book and endgame he goes back in time with her they spend the rest of their lives together and she dies and he goes back to the present what's the name of the book for that one