
to my dear fans, i know that i don't post much and right now i don't post at all, i just haven't actually had the time or inspiration to write anything except for a few poems here and there, however THANK YOU FOR REMAINING FANS! 
          	I'm sending out this message because i just entered my poem A Gift in the Atty's so if you would I'd love love love it if you could show it some support and maybe you know introduce it to your friends or such. 
          	Anywhoo thanks for your time and hopefully soon the inspiration bug will bite and I'll get back to writing. (:


to my dear fans, i know that i don't post much and right now i don't post at all, i just haven't actually had the time or inspiration to write anything except for a few poems here and there, however THANK YOU FOR REMAINING FANS! 
          I'm sending out this message because i just entered my poem A Gift in the Atty's so if you would I'd love love love it if you could show it some support and maybe you know introduce it to your friends or such. 
          Anywhoo thanks for your time and hopefully soon the inspiration bug will bite and I'll get back to writing. (: