
This is the amazing person award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it to 8 different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know that someone thinks you're amazing inside and out! ❤


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
There was a badger and a rabbit carrying dried grass on there backs. Crack crack crack crack 
          “Rabbit, what’s that sound?” The Badger said 
          “That is the crackle bird that lives on Crackle Mountain.”  The rabbit said. The rabbit set fire to the dry grass the badger carried. Rumble rumble rumble rumble “Rabbit, what is that sound?”  
          “That is the rumbling bird”
          The next day, the rabbit said it would put ointment in the badger’s poor, burnt back.. and applied a liberal amount of miso-mustard paste. The following day, the badger bitterly complained, but the rabbit played dumb and ignored him. “Never mind that, Badger. Let’s go fishing in these.”  The two went out in there separate boats and began to fish. 
          Until.. “help me! Help me!”
          “My mud boat is crumbling away!” 
          “Here, Badger. grab on to my oar,” said the rabbit as it bashed away at the badger with the oar. (Until it was covered in blood) The Badger eventually ran out of strength, and sank to the bottom of the pond, and died.
          Not only did the badger in question kill an old woman with a stone pestle, he made a broth out of her flesh and fed it to her elderly husband.
          You reap what you sow




            “Shut up, Faker. You’re just jealous.” I smirk, crossing my arms.


Hey, Faker. It’s like lookin into a mirror.


            “I’m considered older than you, Sonic. I’m 50+ years old, technically. So shut up.” 


            I was created before you, which means I'm older. Which, of course, means YOU'RE THE FAKER. NOW GO TAKE YOUR FAKE SWISS ROLL LOVING BUTT SOMEPLACE ELSE.


            I facepalm, shaking my head. “Ugh. Stupid as always, Faker. Shut up.”


          My dog Niyah has babies but her first one died. 


            Let me know if one of the puppies have brown spots or no.


            She’s still having them. They are all black and white so far like their daddy.


@InfiniteTheJackal-13 YEET but awwww... Poor little puppy. What do they all look like?