I don't exist...
At least, I don't think I do
But if you happen to meet me
Stop by and say hello
Or you can just walk past... bye
I won't mind, I promise
Just as long as I'm acknowledged
That will be enough
To tether me into existence
To mold me into shape
Will I be accepted for who I am?
I do wonder if I can stay...
Is that too much to ask?
Or will I be pushed away?
Into seclusion... Into despair?
I guess I'll find out soon
But a strange song calls to me
A sweet lullaby which beckon the lids to stay shut
However, a faint silhouette keeps them half ajar
- Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Super Cluster, Laniakea
- InscritDecember 1, 2015
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Histoires par Ike
- 2 Histoires Publiées

Life is Funny
These are mainly things that I normally think of on a daily basis. These thoughts are unfunny, weird, and at...