
Hi! It‘s been a while since we heard from you! We miss you, please say something and tell us that you haven’t given up. <3 You always tell us how we are loved but I feel like you’re forgetting yourself in this. Bee, I‘m here to tell you that there are so many people that care about you and we would love to hear from you again just to make sure that your mental health isn‘t getting worse. We followed your journey in your book, in which we felt your struggles but you‘re not alone and we‘re here to help you. To anyone reading this: If you need anyone to talk to if it‘s because something happened, you‘re not feeling well, you’re lonely or ANYTHING else, dm me on my profile and keep fighting. I can‘t promise that it‘ll get better but talking helps very much. I‘m here for anyone who wants to talk! Take care of yourselves and keep fighting! Lots of love and hugs from me! <3 


To the people also worried about bee, I did a bit of digging, I looked on all socials and I found someone with the same username posting, they were from a few months ago but recent enough, more recent than a year ago. This isn’t 100 % them but it’s a possibility


@Thesimpers I hope their ok :!


Hey are you alive last you updated was in April and that means it will almost  be ayear? Forget the books and stuff I just wanna know if your ok?.if you need to talk I'm here. Idk you in real life but I'm here if you are still here. Goodluck in life 


I just read a book called honeybee it's a tubbo x reader fanfic amd the nickname the reader has is bee and tubbos is honey so if you put them together.... yah but I though that was cool because as soon as I got done reading that I moved to your story and your nickname is bee... sorry I just thought it was cool. Your an amazing writer I love your book so far. It's kinda relatable because I have mental health issues and reading the only one thing that makes me appy( other than the dsmp but yah) and these are the kinda book I read (dsmp and mental health problems) because there relatable like I've said... I'm rambling.... anyways yah I like your book and your amazing and valid. P.s. I don't think you need to know this but I'm 14yrs old... yah
          Much love, 


Checking in April was the last update you doing ok? need to vent a bit? if you do just private message me I don't mind it I will read it and try to help as best as possible, I am known as the therapist friend of my group so I kinda know how to deal with this stuff, I am a safe place/person so anytime you need it I will help as soon as I can


hey! i just want to check on you and make sure you’re as okay as you can be. you mentioned that the cool book you wrote was loosely based on your life and i want to check in and see if you’re safe or at the very least, alive. also you took a lot of the book telling us that we were loved but that applies to you as well! 
          we love you. 
          i hope you’re in an okay spot in life and if you ever need anyone to vent to or if you need to talk to anyone or if you just want a friend, i’ll be there asap. 
          i hope you’re doing as well as you are capable of being and i love you. 