Heyyyy! So uh- I've been inactive, as literally everyone I've previously role-played with knows. I'm so sorry for that! I've been switching out of getting out of the fandom and then getting thrown back into the fandom a few times now so, I literally don't have any excuses than I've just been too nervous to get back into this account for whatever reason. I'll try getting back into RPing, I'll even try to salvage some old ones from months ago if they're still in the fandom and if they even want to RP anymore. I don't expect them to, I actually wouldn't blame them- Anyways!- That's all I have to say, this is actually my first time doing one of these message things so.. Yippee?? :]

@Space_Boyo_ Tysm for understanding- T﹏T Are you still up to RP TMNT? I have a different OC if you're interested. I can post her in the forms chapter if you want.

@Sparkle_K1ttyL0VE You're good bud! Plus I've been there before, my mind shifts to different fandoms from time to time