
A black human is still a human. Let us not forget that under G- *remembers his atheism and hate for all religious beings* that under the law of Thomas Jefferson's famous words "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal", a difference ceases in terms of equality, because no matter black or Asian, atheist or religious, native or non-native, we have the basic human rights to live together in harmony and peace. #BlackHistoryMonth


I just realized that I immediately contradicted myself after my second sentence.


A black human is still a human. Let us not forget that under G- *remembers his atheism and hate for all religious beings* that under the law of Thomas Jefferson's famous words "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal", a difference ceases in terms of equality, because no matter black or Asian, atheist or religious, native or non-native, we have the basic human rights to live together in harmony and peace. #BlackHistoryMonth


I just realized that I immediately contradicted myself after my second sentence.