Junior year, oh boy. I know y'all haven't seen me in ages (and I need to get cracking on Pearl War), but 3 AP classes can get a bit draining, both in energy and time. I'll do what I can between ASB and Entropy and the 5 or 6 webcomics I'm keeping on top of and school, but chances are not much will be left. I'll get to work on the part I have getting written out, and when that's done I'll remember to get writing with this more. Also don't comment on any ORAS spoilers around me, I don't have those yet. ^_^ As for some of the webcomics...
Want more at least somewhat Pokemon related material between chapters? Go see Dr. Gardevoir in Level 30 Psychiatry: because not all problems can be solved by sleeping at an inn.
Want a fresh spin on Calvin and Hobbes with lots of social commentary mixed in? Try Sandra and Woo! If you're more fantasy-inclined, try Gaia, made by the same people.
Ghosts, shades, spirits grudges, agh, I can't keep track of it all, but there's plenty of spectral madness waiting for you in Paranatural!
A city, a forest, a ghost, a mystery, and the group of teenagers, the robot, the shadow boy, and others who are set on unraveling it all, if you're interested, head over to Gunnerkrigg Court-also, the art improves a lot as you go on, though it's better than what I can manage from page 1.
Also I need to get started on Cucumber Quest.
Until next time, see ya.
- I'm a ninja. You don't know my location!
- DołączyłAugust 10, 2011
Zarejestruj się, aby dołączyć do największej społeczności pisarskiej

I haven't posted here since before the Ravens won the Super Bowl. Or since the OpenFeint shutdown (no thanks, GREE. Your games suck, by the way.). Well, new Pearl War is out. If you're into it, do ge...Zobacz wszystkie posty na Tablicy
Dzieł autorstwa Peter
- 5 Opublikowanych Dzieł

Rising on a Falling Star (Watty Aw...
Have you ever been that outcast on the periphery of the school cliques, ignored or bullied by most, and you w...