Hello! Octly here! And I joined here because I wanted to get my stories out into the world. I am a She/Her. One of my BFFs: @Onna_Mally. I am an Octoling. I like ACNH and other stuff. But for now... Octly Out!
My Scratch:
My Fandom: https://inkidols.fandom.com/wiki/User:OddBunnyKitty67835
  • Island Llamatopia
  • InscritSeptember 24, 2021

Dernier message
SploonOcto SploonOcto Feb 16, 2023 10:51PM
I’ve moved to @OddiEnuf
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Histoires par 🌟☄️Octly☄️🌟
Camping with the Squish par SploonOcto
Camping with the Squish
Alia has lived like a normal girl, but when her father says they're going camping for the summer as normal, b...
ranking #10 dans la catégorie idontknowwhattotag Voir tous les classements
Camp Mythic: The story of A less than normal summer camp par SploonOcto
Camp Mythic: The story of A less t...
There are many special kids in this world and some of them have been chosen to go to A camp. A very special c...
ranking #894 dans la catégorie summercamp Voir tous les classements
The Surface par SploonOcto
The Surface
Toni(the octoling pictured on the cover) is running away from DJ Octavio's army and The new Squidbeack Splato...
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