
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been out of school but between work and things that I have needed to get done, I've not been able to work on anything on here. I hope to work on somethings this week. I have a few projects that I want to get furthering before I do anything else with and I might wait until I have a few more chapters done with "Run" before I update it. I also might do some one shots for different things as I have some ideas. Again sorry for the lack of updates on everything, I hope to be able to give you all more here soon.
          	Hope you have/had a great day!


Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been out of school but between work and things that I have needed to get done, I've not been able to work on anything on here. I hope to work on somethings this week. I have a few projects that I want to get furthering before I do anything else with and I might wait until I have a few more chapters done with "Run" before I update it. I also might do some one shots for different things as I have some ideas. Again sorry for the lack of updates on everything, I hope to be able to give you all more here soon.
          Hope you have/had a great day!


So I'm sitting in my 4th hour Child Development class and my friend just said something that I can no longer get out of my head. The Vedic said the we are our brain and my friend commented that men have two then. Someone needs to help my brain. I think she broke it even more.


I know I have been MIA for a while but I now have my own personal computer making it loads easier to write. I hope to begin working on stuff as soon as I post this. What I work on will remain questionable. I hope you all had a happy holidays and I hope this is a better year for everyone.


Thank you for adding The Irony of it All to your Marvel reading list. I also wanted to thank you for adding it to your Harry Potter list, though I'm curious as to how it fits in lol...? 


@adriellerune Ya, I can’t wait to read it. And that would be the magic of being half asleep when adding things to your reading list. You never know where you actually put them.


Have you all ever just wanted to scream your heads off because of one person. Well, that person is my mother. She found out that I was writing an original book and said I did not have to ability or schooling. It's like really I have a job. I pay for everything. That and I write under a pen name and she saw it and said that I couldn't use it. Like really. I'm truly done. This amazing community is my escape from life and I love it.  Thank you all for being the little bit of happiness that I have.


Have you ever just lost your whole planning notes with character names and plots. I was just about to write and then I realized I could not find anything so now I don't remember any of the names. I remember most of the pot but still. UGGGGG!!!!!!!