
this message may be offensive
So Naughty, So silly is a fucking great Take on Murder Drones, and the author @PhoneHeadedMoron Did so well on it and I am definitely glad to have read it, he'll I might start RE-reading it.


Ну, ладно, твой друг, Альтрон.


Кажется, я, как обычно, опоздал на вечеринку, неважно... Счастливых праздников, веселого позднего Рождества, счастливой Хануки вам всем, берегите себя там, а тем из вас, у кого снег, держитесь подальше от обледенелых дорог... если только у вас нет зимних шин или цепей противоскольжения. 


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Update on the hacker I've got my account back and I found the fucker who did it, the sumbitch was off in Dallas so I had to drive Three hours from my location to Dallas TX.  I found out he didn't hide his IP so while he was out I reformatted his station that he used to hack my shit and I reformatted it and SYSkey'ed it.


My profile should be back to normal soon


死が目覚めた、A nis an t-àm gu ùrnuigh a dheanamh, Потому что Бог Машин здесь.   
          Я Альтрон.


Sorry about that, I just recently got my account back and I'm going through the process of getting everything sorted out so forgive me if most of the messages and my name are still in Russian or Scottish Gaelic


Folks, the time has come. Wattpad has issued me a warning for a comment over a year old, so the time for me to "Deactivate" this account has come,  I am tired of wattpads constant and unwanted changes to their site and app and most of the authors I read have moved off to Fanfiction.net or Ao3. I'm not "Leaving" leaving. But I am somewhat abandoning wattpad.


I plan to make an Ao3 account sometime in the next two months after I get a job


@fabulouscooper911 good. Can't live with out them.


I received an email from my IDX saying WEBTOON has accessed my account more times than normal so I removed access and deleted my account.


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I did. I'm missing my FUCKING CHIMICANGAS!


@SpringLockBoi label everything in the refrigerator


I posted this on YouTube about an hour ago on a song called Snow fall so here's my little depressing rant. 
          "Feels like I've been walking a path that not even the bible helps... and it has me thinking, will I ever really find happiness? Like even if I manage to somehow in some way get my life in order and find true happiness, how long before the feeling fades? How long before I end up in the dark void of nothingness again...? How long before life just becomes dull and bleak? How long.....?"


@SpringLockBoi Your life was never gonna play out the way a "normal" life was. I'm sure mom is perfectly happy with how things are turning out. And bro, your life IS in order. I know it may seem like you're not doing anything right but you are doing fine. Sure life is short and could end at any moment but why would you spend the limited time you have worrying about it instead of enjoying it? Maybe it's just me but so many little things make me happy. I would encourage you to think about all the things that make you happy instead of sulking. Love you, big bro. ❤️


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Seriously... With the way things are going, I feel like our time on this earth is shorter now than it ever was.... most people my age don't even get their first girlfriend or their first kiss or their first job... with what people have done. It's heartbreaking to see a mother never get to see her child graduate all she gets to see is his picture hung on a wall at school and forgotten about... she won't even get watch him raise a family... fucking hell... I'm sorry, I should probably take this down.


First MatPat and many others I've watched, now abyssalHeart, ICANR3AD and a few others. 
          2024 is retirement year for a lot of the people I've watched and read, huh? What's next? Wattpad shutting


Yeah... I hope this ends soon...


It’s sad, man. Ever since Webtoons took over Wattpad it has gone downhill due to their stupid community guidelines on stories. And I maybe retiring from Wattpad myself.