
Hi everyone! It’s Ria one of the authors of the SpyCamp series.. i guess we have some explaining to do as to why we have been inactive for almost three years. When we finished the first book we thought it had a perfect ending, however when you guys were asking for a sequel we decided to start one. Little did we know that high school was extremely time consuming and our motivation and inspiration went away. Just recently we remembered the account and after logging in and seeing how many more people read SpyCamp it hurt to see we left the second book abandoned. Both Mimi and i are really sorry for leaving all you guys hanging. But we can’t thank you enough for all the love and support that our book we wrote as little 13/14 year olds got all of the love it did :,). Should we update the second..?


@SpyWorld Yes please update the second book. I just found it and I am obsessed. I loved the first one too. Could you do it maybe?


You should make another chapter for good old times sake 


Yo what I completely forgot about this book until now I was literally obsessed 


Hi everyone! It’s Ria one of the authors of the SpyCamp series.. i guess we have some explaining to do as to why we have been inactive for almost three years. When we finished the first book we thought it had a perfect ending, however when you guys were asking for a sequel we decided to start one. Little did we know that high school was extremely time consuming and our motivation and inspiration went away. Just recently we remembered the account and after logging in and seeing how many more people read SpyCamp it hurt to see we left the second book abandoned. Both Mimi and i are really sorry for leaving all you guys hanging. But we can’t thank you enough for all the love and support that our book we wrote as little 13/14 year olds got all of the love it did :,). Should we update the second..?


@SpyWorld Yes please update the second book. I just found it and I am obsessed. I loved the first one too. Could you do it maybe?


You should make another chapter for good old times sake 


Yo what I completely forgot about this book until now I was literally obsessed 