First name: Austin
Last name: Rivers
Age: 16
Status: Happy
Occupation: Writing I guess
Relationship status: Plural (jk single)
Likes: Jokes, good comebacks, writing, dubstep, dragons, math, education, parents, Ella Harnish (admitting it), cats, dogs, animals, nature, the shade of black, the colour red, Lego, music, reading.
Dislikes: Some boys, No WiFi :( , school, being bored, people who are jealous, life (at times), braggers, French class.
My Instagram: @sslenderman2016
My YouTube channel: Austin5000
Words to describe me: Smart, creative, rebel, writer, reader
Race: White (Canadian)
Favourite quote: Judging someone doesn't describe who they are, it describes who you are

~End of list~
  • JoinedMarch 12, 2016


Story by Austin