Because I’m that weird type of person:
I’m sick, so in the middle of the night my stomach is growling and I’m not actually /feeling/ hungry, but i know I’m starving because every time I cough, I die because my stomach is empty.
EHNYWAHYSSSSSS... I get up, get some crackers and cheese, feed Cleo (my puppy—featured in my profile pic) some because I accidentally woke her up, walk quietly back into my bedroom, and sit in the dark.
On my bed.
In the pitch blackness.
Munching on crackers.
To make it worse, I look out my window and see my neighbor’s light is on, so I’m just siting there, eating my crackers, occasionally coughing, and watching my neighbor walk around their house.
This is literally my everyday life (I normally sit in a tree though...).
I have some problems.