
You once asked me who I loved most in this world ... 


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't really been writing lately, I just got a new job and when I'm not working I wanna be with my friends and family. My time is cut short and I have little to no time to write. And also, I am taking "Dear Niall," off line. I am trying to actually get it published and sold in stores. So sorry for those of you who really love it as Dear Niall, but hopefully you will see "Dear Ezra," on shelves soon!!!! 


sitting here crying because your writing is so beautiful and i am so proud to know you in person and just read your books, which are so wonderful, and aaggggh i love you and i want the dear "niall" (wink wink) copy so bad but i will wait sajdlkdj


Wow school sucks - its third quarter and we are starting to transition into all of the testing and stuff. I haven't updated in a while, but school comes first. Hopefully when we test though I won't have homework so I'll have more time to write ! Expect an update sometime during spring break (March 24th-28th)