20.part time procastinator.full time student. at times a video editor/writer. marvel-centric and part time dc comic fan. kpop and kdrama on 24/7.

Coming Soon: #AskHardy (mystery/thriller)
in the blood (action, dark comedy)


i 'm not accepting video edit requests thru PM. I have a book for that so just look it up!

icon by @Rosykun
  • Hogwarts
  • انضمJuly 18, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
Stark_Bastard Stark_Bastard Apr 20, 2020 05:48AM
So happy that i got #1 on the trailer hashtag, ily all ✊✊
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم patty
Maine بقلم Stark_Bastard
A recovering addict finds himself pulled towards a detective and her job, secretive as she is, he slowly unco...
Patty's dummy guide to trailer-making (requests are welcome!) بقلم Stark_Bastard
Patty's dummy guide to trailer-mak...
So you want to make trailers aye? (requests are welcome!) ____ (Am i an expert? no not really, just wanted t...
4 قوائم قراءة