
My new semester of college is already kicking my ass and it's only a month into classes. My Intro to Applied Indigenous Studies Professor yaps way too much and his style of teaching is so disorganized I have no clue what's going on half the time. Let's not even get into his pop quizzes where we've hardly learned anything and he throws it at us. Fun times. 
          	As usual, any update to any fic of mine will slow way the hell down due to an increased workload. Apologies for this.


My new semester of college is already kicking my ass and it's only a month into classes. My Intro to Applied Indigenous Studies Professor yaps way too much and his style of teaching is so disorganized I have no clue what's going on half the time. Let's not even get into his pop quizzes where we've hardly learned anything and he throws it at us. Fun times. 
          As usual, any update to any fic of mine will slow way the hell down due to an increased workload. Apologies for this.


Summer is finally here!
          You know what that means.
          Actually having time to work on writing when motivation strikes!
          Don't take this as me coming out of pseudo-hiatus. Everything will still be relatively slow with updates, and I don't expect to write a whole novel. Hopefully I will have the motivation to write more than I was able during the semester.


Heya, hey Starlight, we're going to be posting your story soon!!!


@Starlight_Anon Sorry to spam you, tho the proper links should now be in the vids


@Starlight_Anon it happens, but we have links to both your accounts here and on Ao3, along with the Yami stories on both sites. I don't think we need anything else. But let me know if I missed anything


@xXTora_AkumaXx at least I thought I had? it appears the comment may have vanished *shrug*


Boy oh boy. This Fanfiction writer made it to college
          This is both a warning and a simple author's note. I have officially moved into my college dorm... 5 hours ago. As such, I'm an idiot wasting their money on a degree that'll likely never get used. But! It's the experience (I swear) and I hopefully won't be in crippling debt once I graduate. If I graduate. *shrugs*
          Most will understand what this means! 
          Updates will be minimal. Every other month minimum. I don't know if I'll have random bouts of inspiration and end up writing a whole novel, or if I'll practically abandon all my works for a year. It's 50/50 to be honest. I apologize in advance.
          I'm both excited and terrified for this new experience. Trying to study criminology as my major (and Psychology as my minor) is going to be one hell of an experience. 
          With a screaming (panicking) heart,


Now taking a double major with Applied Indigenous Studies and Criminology with a minor in Psychology


Don't you love when your mom and grandma fight? I certainly don't. What a way to wake up from my nap. Now I'm going to drown myself in books to ignore anything else that may happen tonight. I should've just asked for my dad to pick me up. 


I was just about to go to sleep. Then I got an email on my phone from a college I applied to, then my brother knocked on my door with mail. And now I've been accepted to my first college. It's daunting, and I still can't believe it. Let's hope this college thing works out when my senior year ends.