Race:	Arrancar

Birthday: January 19

Gender : Male

Height: 187 cm (6'1½")

Weight: 77 kg (169 lbs.)

Previous Affiliation: Aizen's Arrancar Army

Previous Occupation: 1st Espada

Previous Partner: Lilynette Gingerbuck

Base of Operations: Las Noches, Hueco Mundo

Zanpakutō: Resurrección Los Lobos

Status: Single

Personal: Sooner or later I'll die of loneliness so I can be at peace..

"Like I said, this ain't my thing. Let's just forget it. It's not like Aizen-sama feels like lending us a hand either. Those guys are strong. I get that already. No point fighting when it's just gonna mean more dying. So can we just go home and sleep now?"
  • JoinedJuly 27, 2014

Last Message
Starrk_Coyote Starrk_Coyote Sep 25, 2014 11:57PM
@Nnoitra "Feel free to spar anytime.." he smirked
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Story by Starrk_Coyote
Ask Starrk!! ((Or Admin)) by Starrk_Coyote
Ask Starrk!! ((Or Admin))
Starrk: Feel free to ask any questions you want. Admin: and when he says any he means ANY!! Starrk: *yawning*...
ranking #37 in wolfie See all rankings