
I ship like 14 people
          1)stiles and Jackson✔️
          2)stiles and Liam✔️
          3)stiles and Isaac
          4)stiles and Alec✔️
          5)stiles and Damon
          6)stiles and klaus
          7)stiles and Lydia 
          8)stiles and Parrish✔️
          9)stiles and Peter✔️
          10)stiles and Barry✔️
          11)stiles and Steve✔️
          12)stiles and Clint 
          13)stiles and Allison 
          14)Stiles and Theo 
          15)stiles and Thor ✔️
          16)stiles and Scott
          17)stiles and Derek 
          ✔️ means my fave 
          Alec is from the shadow hunters 
          Barry is from the flash 
          Steve is from the avengers
          Clint is from the avengers
          Klaus is from the originals
          Damon is from the vampire diaries 
          Thor from the avengers 
          ^^ But you probs know this already ^^


I see them as besties aswell but I can go for stydia once in a while


@onlygayshipsinmydock OMG!!! did you like, read my mind or something, cause honestly, I SHIP ALL OF THEM TOO!!!!! Well except for lydia and stiles, I only see them as besties not as couple. But oh well lav ya!!!