Time for a quick note and apology. It's been nearly a full month since I published chapter 20 of Palmyra Paranormal. Between the recent political BS and preparing for my imminent retirement, I'm ashamed to report that I haven't even started Chapter 21. I WILL get back to it, hopefully very soon. Just two weeks left of profitable employment, so I should have plenty of time.


@SteveJBWO Congrats again on your coming retirement!!
          	  I look forward to reading more of your work. ^_^
          	  (The crazy going on right now has me not writing, too....)


Time for a quick note and apology. It's been nearly a full month since I published chapter 20 of Palmyra Paranormal. Between the recent political BS and preparing for my imminent retirement, I'm ashamed to report that I haven't even started Chapter 21. I WILL get back to it, hopefully very soon. Just two weeks left of profitable employment, so I should have plenty of time.


@SteveJBWO Congrats again on your coming retirement!!
            I look forward to reading more of your work. ^_^
            (The crazy going on right now has me not writing, too....)


Chapter 17 of Palmyra Paranormal is now up. The team has a plan, the boys have a powwow.


@SteveJBWO Well, congrats!


@CEBronk I'm retiring 'cause I'm too old for this sh!t. I don't expect to be writing full time, but it will be easier to find the time. Right now I write on the weekend when we go to Canandaigua for the day (usually about 2 hrs). I sit in a coffee shop, my wife shops. I also sometimes write on my lunch break. Next year, I'll be on permanent lunch break. :-)


Palmyra Paranormal, Chapter 14: Dangerous Days is now up. More diner chat. More diner friends. And some not-so-friends. Billy takes a hike while Dan plans a holiday. All while the local news has a field day. Dangerous Days indeed.


Palmyra Paranormal, Chapter 13 is now ready. Scott and Emily Saw. Billy and Dan Found. Side Note: I lived in Palmyra 30 yrs, but this is the first time I've actually been to Prospect Hill Park.


Ha ha! Good plan.


@SteveJBWO lol! You just forgot your emergency escape ladder, didn't you? Ask Dan for his! (maybe he left it there for you.)


@CEBronk Thank you, and yes, I did. Since the park was a focal point of the story, I felt it was time I actually went up there. I'm glad I waited though. The fall colors are really beautiful. I didn't go all the way to the top of the hill though. I didn't want to be disappointed if there was no werewolf cave up there.