And we're good to go with the final chapter. Plus I have received feedback on the first few chapters from the beta team, so those have been amended and will be uploaded again. No major changes so you don't have to re-read them, just some tightening up and re-working of difficult-to-understand bits.
First draft of the final chapter of Murder out of the Blue written. And feedback from the alpha reader received. Some work to do but it should be out on Friday...
A little something for you to read, I've put up a one-pager from the early life of Winifred Churchill - the protagonist from the same story as South African steam.
It was a little test run to get a feel for her character and her early life but those people who've read it said they like so I thought it would go well here. Not much in the way of steampunk really but it is the Voidships universe.