
"Analytics" has just been massively edited and extended. Some sections previously published have disappeared, as I've realised that they come later in the story. Let me know what you think - hopefully, that it's improved and you want to read more!


Not been doing much for a while now. I had minor surgery a couple of days ago to remove a lump of skin cancer from my nose (not a good place to get it!). It's expected to be benign, I hear in another couple of weeks. Recovery is going well, I hope to get back to reading and writing in a week or so.


I've updated Analytics Part 4. For the record, what's described is pretty much what's going on already - so read and stay safe! Like Andy says, it's a jungle out there. The story about the first-born child is true, btw. And if that doesn't prompt you to read it, I don't know what will!